Apr 8, 2010
WebDav Folders Issues - IIS 7 and Sharepoint
Mar 18, 2009
WebDAV 7.5 - Update for IIS 7 WebDav (Locking)
Well, I have not expected to see this "that fast" - but it was released this week:
Microsoft IIS 7 WebDAV 7.5 / FTP 7.5 Extension
This should solve the issues with Apple OS X and the other WebDAV Clients like Subversion, Git, etc. which need locks. I will give it a try later this week and see if it fulfills the expectations.
Here's an article on IIS.NET which gives a detailed How-To about the Locking Configuration.
Feb 18, 2009
IIS 7 DAV LOCK und Apple OS X
While trying to access a Windows Server 2008 WebDAV Share with Apple OS X I was only able to get read access. After some research it looks like this is the explanation:
I suspect this has to do with the WebDAV server
implementation. When you mount a DAV file system
on the Mac, it is using /sbin/mount_webdav
under-the-hood. The manual page states the
> If connecting to a Class 1 compliant WebDAV
> server, the rdonly option will be set even if it
> was not specified because mount_webdav will
> not allow files to be opened with write access
> on servers which do not support the
> DAV LOCK method
I read somewhere recently that the IIS 7 WebDAV extension does not currently implement locking, which means OS X clients cannot write.
Hello Redmond? True? Why?
There is a discussion on IIS.NET, but currently there is no solution.
[Update] It looks like Microsoft is aware of this issue. There are some very interesting posts in the comments of an old IIS 7 Team blog article - Julian Reschke is again doing a great job.
Nov 13, 2008
What the heck is a SharePoint Protocol?
I have found this very good article about the inside out of the "Sharepoint Protocol", which is very much WebDAV-related but not quite the same. Just see for yourself, it's based on the technical details of what Alfresco is doing - if you don't know Alfresco and have not already deployed Sharepoint you should really have a look at this very interesting product.
Sep 13, 2008
Inside SharePoint Integrating Office Applications
Very detailed article about the "inside" of Microsoft Sharpoint 2007, especially about the WebDAV Client Redirector architecture. Even better, there is a code download included to get around some of the shortcomings of the current Sharpoint Client communication possibilities:
Update on WebDAV Credentials in Vista
Here's another good article about the WebClient Credential issue on Windows Vista with some more details:
Source: Prompted for Credentials when Accessing Documents in MOSS 2007
Aug 30, 2008
Windows Vista / Windows 2003 and WebDAV over HTTP (not S)
There's a good article about the problem to do a WebDAV connection without SSL on Vista / Win2003:
SharePint, WebDAV, and http (not https)
Here's the abstract:
- Fire up regedit.exe (if UAC is enabled you'll have to approve it of course)
- Navigate to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\
SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WebClient\Parameters - Change the setting BasicAuthLevel from its current value (default 1) to 2 (0 means disabled, 1 is https only, 2 is both http and https)
- Enter the following commands:
- net stop webclient
- net start webclient
- net use x: "http://yoursharepointprovider.tld/somesharename" /user:"whateverdomain\yourusername" /persistent:yes
- Enter your password when prompted
For Windows 2003 server the DWORD value you must add to the registry under the Parameters key above is UseBasicAuth and set its value to 1 and you'll also want to update the AcceptOfficeAndTahoeServers key from 0 to 1. You cannot just net stop/start webclient; instead you must net stop mrxdav then net start webclient. I found this out from KB841215.