Sep 13, 2007

Mounting WebDAV Servers (RFC 4709)

Found this RFC today. Well, it's an October 2006 document, I am sorry if this is old news for you :-).

RFC 4709

It's Julian Rescke (greenbytes) again and he does a good job in not only describing an WebDAV announcement technology already used by SAP and others but also included some Windows client script to make the transparent mounting work in any native Windows environment.

Worth looking into because if you plan an infrastructure where WebDAV is used instead of file servers it is a real need to think about a link notation which does not result in the well known "browser view" of WebDAV shares but instead opens an explorer view of the data. Julian's document describes such a way.

On the other hand at least in Windows Vista it is possible to use a file share URL to connect to WebDAV:


I will try to collect some more pros and cons about the different ways to mount a WebDAV share - happy about your comments.

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